U.S. Election Resources
Actions you can take today to ensure a free and fair election:
Personal Actions
Vote Early
Vote now if you can, and encourage your friends, family, and coworkers to vote early too.
See Something, Say Something
Whether you are in line to vote, driving by your polling place, or chatting at the grocery store, be alert to instances of voter suppression. SeeSay2020.com converts citizen-reported instances of voter suppression into real time maps and alerts. You can report issues and attach photos in real time. See Say 2020 provides timely, crowdsourced information to journalists, voting rights groups, and social media influencers so that they can shine a spotlight on voter suppression and the challenges voters are facing.
Talk to Your Friends
Have your friends voted yet? Triple your impact with these three easy steps courtesy of LOACAM, our fellow B Corp.
Rock the Vote believes that relational organizing is the number one way to volunteer for the 2020 election. Get involved and encourage younger voters to do the same.
GOTV Text/Phonebank
Reclaim our Vote is still offering phone bank training several times a week. Sign up to phonebank.
Whether you are interested in volunteering in your own state or out of state, you’ll find a wide array of GOTV and voter protection events:
Become an Election Observer
Election observers (partisan or non-partisan) are essential to protecting voters and detecting and deterring election fraud. Observers (also called “poll watchers”) work inside or outside the polling place, depending on their assignment and applicable state law. Training is required (1-2 hours). Check with your state election office, your state political party, or the presidential campaign you support. The Biden campaign, for example, is actively seeking volunteers for voter protection. Sign up to become a voter protection volunteer.
Become a Poll Worker
HeadCount is working with Power the Polls to address the need for healthy and diverse poll workers who can staff in-person voting locations during early voting and on Election Day. Sign up here to become a poll worker in your area. Training is required.
Join the WTC Power Hour: Outreach to Election Administrators
Let’s work together to engage and support Secretaries of State and State Boards of Elections to act with purpose in advance of Election Day. Join us on Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 PM ET for this important outreach initiative.
Join the #VoteWithUsRally on Vote Early Day
On October 24th, Vote Early Day, we’re coming together for a massive virtual rally to help mobilize the largest early vote in US history. Join us! RSVP to the #VoteWithUsRally, find a #VoteWithUs event, and make a plan to vote: votewith.us
Business Actions
Give Time to Vote
Join the 1400 businesses, including a number of B Corps, who have already become members of Time to Vote (led by J.J. Huggins from Patagonia). Check to make certain that all eligible voters in your workplace have a plan to vote. Set team deadlines. Help rearrange work schedules. Build enthusiasm. Use and share “I voted” backgrounds for Zoom and Teams created by Time to Vote member company Point B.
Take ASBC’s Business Voting Pledge
Join other responsible businesses and American Sustainable Business Council members in taking the business voting pledge.
Support Voter & Poll Worker Safety
Election officials and GOTV organizations around the nation still need essential PPE and related supplies. Go to Operation Vote Safe’s online marketplace to see how your business can assist voters in casting their ballots safely by supporting front-line election officials.
Combat Disruption & Disinformation
Foreign and domestic actors are seeking to undermine public confidence in the integrity of the national election. Your business can help combat misinformation and encourage patience with the process. Check out these these best practices from election messaging experts to amplify trusted sources with your employees and customers.
Post and Amplify Messages of Solidarity and Unity
Sign up with the outstanding #TogetherWeVote campaign led by our fellow B Corp, Provoc. Every week until the election you’ll receive tested, 501(c)3 compliant, nonpartisan messages and ready-to-use posts and graphics to support widespread voter turnout. Post and amplify messages of solidarity and unity with the foremost coalition of organizations dedicated to civil rights and racial injustice.
Help Recruit Poll Workers and Give Time Off to Work the Polls
Power the Polls is still looking for poll workers are in some jurisdictions. Register here. Give employees time off to work the polls. Inspire people to sign up by sharing this video from Time To Vote member company ATTN.
Find all necessary information pertaining to the elections, voter registration, and how to sign-up to be a poll-worker on ASBC’s Voter Registration & Polling Information Map.
Pizza to the Polls
Pizza to the Polls delivers free food to all for polling places with long lines. They are looking for a social media boost to get the word out.
Contact Us
Want to know more about our work and how you can get involved?
We define women leaders as people spanning a broad spectrum of gender identities, including cis-gender, transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming leaders.
WeTheChange is a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund, a California nonprofit corporation and registered 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID (EIN) 46-1323531.